About Us
New World Montessori School is a product of over 50 years of experience, study, and observation. Our goals are to encourage and nurture the children in the self-discovery of their world.
We provide an environment in which each child has the opportunity to progress at his/her own level of development and which acknowledges the uniqueness of each child. Our indoor classroom activities are placed on open shelves for selection as interest and readiness inspires the child.
The environment entices curiosity, leading to creativity and the fostering of a child’s self esteem. This then enables love of learning for the child to master academic skills. It also encourages positive social skills, such as effective communication, internal discipline, and problem solving.
The curriculum has been developed to encourage the children to have a life-long love of learning. We provide a non-competitive environment where children of different abilities, race, cultural backgrounds, and ages work, play, share, and learn from one another. We provide an environment in which each child has the opportunity to progress at his/her own level of development. We maintain a happy, pleasant atmosphere in which the child can absorb information and find joy in learning.
“The child has one intuitive aim: self development. He desperately wants to develop his resources, his ability to cope with a strange, complex world. He wants to do and see and learn for himself through his senses and not through the eyes of an adult. The child who accomplishes this moves into harmony with his world. He becomes a full person. He is educated.”
— Maria Montessori
Our outdoor environment offers a beautiful developed playground with climbing structures, sand play, water play, painting, manipulatives, tricycles, pets, and gardens.
Our teachers are very well qualified, experienced, and dedicated, and enthusiastically impart their best to the children under their care. The classrooms are structured to make the children feel comfortable, secure, and motivating to develop love for learning. The virtues like “discipline, humility, self-esteem, independence, and patriotism” are intertwined in our everyday curriculum, which enable children to grow up to be responsible individuals and good citizens. Besides enriched academic curriculum, we have incorporated into our program extra activities such as physical activities, second language, music, art, dance, computer skills, and fun-filled educational field trips.