Ages 0 - 1
Some of the important areas of an infant’s development are freedom of movement, language development, and sense of trust.

Freedom of Movement
Infants learn through their senses by watching and moving freely in the environment. The development of visual senses and tactile experiences provides cognitive and physical challenges. We allow infants to experience their bodies through movement and carefully monitored exploration, and then encourage what they are ready and willing to do. We reinforce their self-initiated activities by paying full attention, while being quietly available.
Language Development
This is the most powerful absorbent stage. Infants and toddlers are spoken to in the formal language with which they will communicate in the future. We do not use baby talk, but talk regular with a wide vocabulary. We share good literature in the form of rhymes, songs, poetry, and stories, which we believe greatly increases the child's love of language. All of this learning we believe should be kept natural and enjoyable.
Sense of Trust
An infant’s trust is developed through adults responding appropriately to an infants' need to be loved, respected, and accepted. We consider an infant as a whole person who is affected by the quality of holding and loving as well as the quality of physical care.